
I got into the car, gave the OTP to the driver and I sat back in the cab as we left for the airport.
I was deep in thought. ‘Don’t worry’ says Ma, but how can I not? Let me see……
Deadline next week. Of course, now things are coming together, but still……
Asha, my younger was running a fever till Monday. Now she is fine, but still……..
Prateek, my elder has an exam coming up in 2 weeks. We are still in the revision of the main subjects. He is a good boy and has promised to study everyday, but still ……..
Shanta Bai, my maid, is a good lady, but she needs reminders now and then. Will Ma be able to manage all?


I and Namitha have really looked forward to this Valentine’s day getaway. I am so glad we made it happen!
I am travelling more than ever these days and finding time just for us is such a difficult thing. And on the days we are together at home, there are so many household things to do!
Hence this romantic getaway.

Namitha and I are reaching the destination separately. She must already be there by now.

“So much for a romantic date! Lost baggage, late flights, rainy weather and headache too” said Namitha on the way back.

“Yeah! We could have relaxed more doing laundry!”

They laughed………

This is my entry for
#TellTaleThursday with Anshu & Priya 

For the prompt of the week:
A romantic getaway goes wrong

Word count is: 233