A to Z blog challenge is here again! This will be my second edition. I am super excited to be a part of this festival of writing.

Everyday of April, except Sundays, is allotted a letter of the alphabet. Each day’s post will be related to that letter. You know the drill!

From my childhood till now (I am sure in the future too), movies of all languages and lands have been a part of my life. As an Indian, I am exposed to whole lot of movies. After all we are the world’s largest movie industry! All of us are culturally tied to the movies too. Movies have for decades told us how to live, how to feel, how to love and also how to be angry!

There are many movies that I have watched. Among all of them, there are a few that touch a cord in my heart. Some have made me laugh, some have made me cry, some touched a raw nerve and some have made me think. Of course there are many that I have not liked or hated too. But, those that remain with me long after the show is over have left a mark of memory in my heart.

So for this year’s A to Z, I have decided my theme to be:

Movies and Memories

Come and share my movie stories. These are definitely not reviews of these movies. They are pieces of my experiences.

Looking forward to see you all there! See you all on April 1st. Mark your calendars!

Signup for A to Z challenge. All details are here. The signup closes on Apr 6 2019.

List of all bloggers from around the world taking this challenge is here.