Here it is again!

The annual July blogathon from Bar-A-Thon hosted by the good people at BlogARhythm. This is its third edition. I had participated in the 2nd edition last year. That was the first time I tried fiction for the given prompts. The fact that I was able to complete the challenge itself was a great achievement for me, because it was the first blogathon with prompts that I had taken part in. It gave me such a boost. It helped me gain confidence in myself as a writer. Another boost was other bloggers commented on my blog and said they liked what I wrote! That gave  me such a high! (It still does).

So here it has come around again. This year’s challenge is also a fortnightly one. The rules remain the same: Write on the designated days for the given prompt of the day or the chosen theme or both.

Note the dates dear readers: July 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th, 13th and 15th.

I hope to be able to write on all the dates and with the badge at the end of it.


Wish me luck!